Friday, March 13, 2015

What Is the Right Way to Face Racism? | Article by CNN

I came across this article of recent news regarding Oklahoma University. CNN’s Eric Liu was a White House speechwriter and policy adviser for President Bill Clinton, but more importantly, David Boren was his first boss when Boren was a U.S. senator. “What’s the Right Way to Face Racism?” is a very interesting article. Assuming you have been watching the news, you knew the issue at hand. Liu talks about the actions taken by Boren that went viral. Boren expelled two students and made a statement that “real sooners are not racists or bigots.” –of course a lot more than that was being said to be clear. Boren’s action impacted several aspects of OU and his position as the president of the university. I personally approved what he did, what he said. I think as someone in his position, one should take a stand. He speaks the truth (at least his truth). His actions are the reflections of his personal beliefs and what he thinks is right. Perhaps people who agree with Boren are the people who embrace the same motto in life. Others? maybe not so much. Many people will not agree with what he said or think negatively about it. One thing the reader should know… he surely has the guts to move forward.