Friday, February 13, 2015

"The Politics of Responsibility, Not Envy"

Here is a good article from the Huffington Post. I think the title itself is already very interesting, “The Politics of Responsibility, Not Envy” I know a lot of other words that I can relate to politics but responsibility. This article takes off in response to a statement made by the former Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, who said, “the big political challenge in addressing economic inequality is not to embrace ‘a politic of envy’” –he is currently the key economic advisor to Hillary Clinton. This page and a half talks back and forth the past and present status of the US economic issues with more emphasis discussing how are we going to treat economics inequality in workplaces, in conducting business, and inside the government. It's worth a full read when Huffington Post is stirring the opinions of the “fundamental changes needed to build an America that works for all of us.”

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